• International Journal of Internet of Things and Information Technology

International Journal of Internet of Things and Information Technology

  • Frequency: Half Yearly
  • Categories: Computer Science & IT
  • Language: English


The International Journal of Internet of Things and Information Technology (IJITIT) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that aims to provide a platform for researchers, academicians, industry professionals, and practitioners to disseminate and exchange knowledge and advancements in the fields of Internet of Things (IoT) and information technology. This journal serves as a comprehensive source of innovative research and technological developments that contribute to the understanding and utilization of IoT

and information technology for various applications and domains.

IJITIT welcomes original research articles, review papers, technical notes, and case studies that address emerging trends, challenges, and solutions in the IoT and information technology domains. The journal fosters interdisciplinary research and encourages submissions from diverse areas, including but not limited to:

IoT architectures, protocols, and technologies IoT applications in smart cities, healthcare, agriculture, transportation, manufacturing, and other sectors Wireless sensor networks and communication protocols Big data analytics and machine learning for IoT Cloud computing and edge computing in IoT Security, privacy, and trust in IoT IoT-enabled smart systems and devices Human-computer interaction and user experience in IoT Blockchain technology for IoT applications Cyber-physical systems and IoT integration Data management and interoperability in IoT IoT standards and protocols Energy efficiency and sustainability in IoT IoT deployment and adoption challenges Social and ethical implications of IoT technologies IJITIT aims to promote high-quality research and facilitate the exchange of ideas among researchers and practitioners across the globe. It serves as a platform for researchers to present their findings, methodologies, and innovations to a wide audience, fostering collaboration and promoting advancements in the rapidly evolving fields of IoT and information technology.

The journal follows a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the quality and validity of the published works. It encourages contributions that provide theoretical insights, practical applications, and empirical studies, ultimately contributing to the growth and advancement of the IoT and information technology disciplines.

Aim & Scope:

The aim of the International Journal of Internet of Things and Information Technology (IJITIT) is to promote and disseminate high-quality research in the fields of IoT and information technology. The journal aims to:

Ÿ Provide a platform for researchers, academicians, industry professionals, and practitioners to share their original research findings, methodologies, and innovations in the IoT and information technology domains.

Ÿ Foster interdisciplinary research and collaboration by encouraging submissions from various areas related to IoT and information technology.

Ÿ Contribute to the advancement and understanding of IoT and information technology by publishing cutting-edge research and technological developments.

Ÿ Facilitate knowledge exchange and dissemination of emerging trends, challenges, and solutions in the fields of IoT and information technology.

Ÿ Encourage discussions and debates on social, ethical, and policy implications related to the adoption and implementation of IoT technologies.

Ÿ Establish a comprehensive resource for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to access stateof- the-art research and advancements in IoT and information technology.

Ÿ The scope of IJITIT encompasses a wide range of topics related to IoT and information technology, including IoT architectures, applications, communication protocols, security and privacy, data analytics, cloud computing, and more. The journal encourages both theoretical and applied research that contributes to the theoretical foundations, practical implementations, and real-world impact of IoT and information technology advancements.

By addressing the aims and scope of IJITIT, researchers, professionals, and practitioners can contribute to the knowledge base and foster innovation in the exciting and rapidly evolving fields of IoT and information technology.

IJITIT also published selected best papers across the globe published under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. All the copyrights remains with the respective author/publisher. PubCapo do not claim any copyright on such material.

All potential authors should refer to our Information for Authors and detailed Submission

Requirements prior to submission.

Frequency: Half-Yearly (January-June and July-December)

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